This looks like a bit more background to the problem for when I get back to it!
This blog is for all the kind of stuff non-geeks get bored with quickly. It's a blog for migrating from Windows to Linux. A blog for migrating from FileMaker to MySQL.
This looks like a bit more background to the problem for when I get back to it!
We have just installed a new Ricoh networked printer and seems to work fine with Redhat 3.0. It didn't really need the drivers from disc like my XP Laptop did. Gee you just pay and get less with some operating systems.
Well after looking at the IBM site I have a bit more of an understanding, the next thing will be finding out about the pvcreate command. See if this is in Redhat. Thats for next week.
Just found an a great page about setting up LVMs . Got a tip from a guy off forum
Geeze, why did I get sucked into installing LVM partitions! I should have stuck to a KISS strategy and remained a luddite. Does anybody have any hints and step by step tuition for those with slow and older brains? Here are some of the links I started with. Yeck! I'm developing nasty sores in strange places from looking at this kind of stuff:
Well I've been busy in other areas lately, as well as having quite a bit of time off for Easter. Spent a bit of time installing the windows version of Mozilla on workstations this week. This will give staff the opportunity to get to know it before changing over operating systems. It will also hopefully make it easier to transfer mail data over to linux when push comes to shove.